Guide to Patron Personas

An examination of the development and applications of User or Patron Personas in the WSULS.

Usability and User Personas eBooks

Personas & Usability - Web Resources

Websites Icon

How To Construct Personas

Reading Blueprints Icon

(Also appears on the Creating Personas tab)

Library Patron Personas - Articles

Book Icon

Caution: Ethics in Persona Creation

Is Stereotyping Inevitable When Designing With Personas?

By Phil Turner and Susan Turner

Is there a difference between a persona and a stereotype? Does using personas cut users out of the process?

Coding into the Great Unknown: Analyzing Instant Messaging Session Transcripts to Identify User Behaviors and Measure Quality of Service

By Sarah Maximiek, Erin Rushton, and Elizabeth Brown

Their description of their project analyzing user data describes how they avoided personally identifying their subjects.

Using lessons from health care to protect the privacy of library users: guidelines for the de-identification of library data based on HIPAA

By Scott Nicholson and Catherine Arnott Smith

Personas Beyond Libraries - Articles

Research Icon

Personas for Developers

Developer Icon

Don Norman's Current Articles on a Variety of Design-Related Topics

Nielsen Norman Group Logo

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Usability Articles

Jakob Nielsen