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Library resources and web sites for chemistry

Access SciFinder-n & MethodsNow Analysis

If you have a registered account through WSU:

Access SciFinder-n

Access MethodsNow Analysis
if you have a registered account through WSU.

Note: While MethodsNow can be accessed and searched separately from SciFindern, your can also perform searches within SciFindern and link directly to MethodsNow Analysis content in one seamless interface. Learn how.

Create an Account

To access SciFinder-n or MethodsNow at Wayne State you must have an account.

If you are off-campus, you must connect to the university's VPN in order to create an account.

Click here to create an account.

Use your valid WSU email account to register. You will receive a confirmation email that will contain a link that you must click to complete the registration process.

About SciFinder

SciFindern , produced by Chemical Abstract Service (CAS), is the most comprehensive source for chemical literature, searchable by topic, author, and substances by name or CAS Registry Number. It includes an editor to draw chemical structures, substructures, or reactions. It is a core research tool for chemistry, biochemistry, chemical engineering, materials science, nanotechnology, physics, environmental science and other science and engineering disciplines.

To learn more about the database see:

Contact CAS Customer Center when you have questions or need additional information about any CAS product or service.

Troubleshooting Common Access Issues

Common issues logging in to SciFinder are:

  • Failure to use VPN when not on campus.
    • If you are off-campus and get the message that you are Not authorized from this IP address, please login to the VPN.
  • Forgotten Username or Password.