This library guide will support your search for information, resources and classroom activities to support the development of your Resource Unit and Lesson Plan.
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Take a Look at the following articles. These might help you identify the learning styles of your ethnic group.
Using appropriate and recognized search terms can help you locate articles related to the learning styles and preferences of your ethnic groups. Following are suggestions, based on the ERIC (Education Resources Information Sources) thesaurus, a list of recognized search terminology. Using quotes as indicated will keep your search terms together as a phrase when you search.
"alaska natives" | cubans | jews |
"american indians" | "filipino americans" | "korean americans" |
"african americans" | haitians | mexicans |
"anglo americans" | hawaiians | muslims |
arabs | "hispanic americans" | "pacific americans" |
"asian americans" | indochinese | "pacific islanders" |
"chinese americans" | "italian americans" | "puerto ricans" |
"japanese americans" | "samoan americans" |
You may also find you need to search other terms, such as: blacks, latinos, latinas, or rural, or create your own construction, such as "cuban americans"
You can also try some broader terms, to find articles that perhaps discuss multiple ethnic groups, such as ethnicity or minority groups.
Pair your ethnic group search term with one of the following terms, which are concepts related to learning preferences.
"learning styles" | "cognitive development" | "educational philosophy" |
"learning modalities" | "learning processes" | "cultural influence" |
"learning strategies" | "culturally relevant education' |
Or, you can pair your ethnic group search term with one of the following terms that relates to a teaching strategy
"cultural competence" | "culturally responsive" | "cross-cultural teaching" |
"authentic materials" | "authentic texts" |
Select the ERIC (ProQuest) link below to search the ERIC database. You can also access the ERIC (ProQuest) database, and other databases, by going to the library homepage and selecting the Article Databases link on the left under Quicklinks.
You can also search ERIC for teaching and learning activities. Use a term that describe a particular learning style or activity that you have found as a preference for your ethnic group, such as:
"cooperative learning" | "discovery learning" | "experiential learning" |
"active learning" | "problem based learning" | "observational learning" |
Or search your ethnic group paired with one of the following search terms:
"resource units" | "activity units" | "learning modules" |
"units of study" | "learning activities" |
Search for lesson plans by grade level and curriculum area. Many of these resources show alignment with standards or common core.