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Anatomical Models Collection - Undergraduate Library

A OneCard is required to borrow these models, which are located at the circulation desk on the first floor of the Undergraduate Library. The loan period for each model is 2 hours.

Skelton Model - Stan (3B Scientific)

"Classic human skeleton model (we lovingly call him Stan). Made from a durable, unbreakable synthetic material, close to the realistic weight of around 200 bones, natural skeleton size, 3-part assembled skull, individually inserted teeth, limbs can be removed quickly and easily"--Manufacturer's website.

Classic Unisex Human Torso, 16 Parts (3B Scientific)

Female Pelvis (3B Scientific)

Male Pelvis, 2 Parts (3B Scientific)


1/3 Life-Size Human Muscle Figure: 2 Parts (3B Scientific)

Head and Neck Musculature (3B Scientific)

Head and Neck Musculature (Altay)

Eisco Muscular Arm Model, Six Parts (Fisher Scientific)

Muscles of the Human Arm, 7 parts (Altay)

Human Muscular Leg Model (Altay)

Anatomy Set of Muscled Limbs: Left Leg and Right Arm (3B Scientific)


Anatomy of the Circulatory System Model (3B Scientific)

Digestive System, 3 Parts (3B Scientific)


Brain Anatomy Model (3B Scientific)

Numbered Human Classic Skull Model, 3 parts (3B Scientific)

Spinal Cord Model (3B Scientific)

Eye Model (3B Scientific)

Human Eye Model (3B Scientific)

Heart Model (3B Scientific)

Heart Models (3B Scientific)

Human Lung Model with Larynx, 7 parts (3B Scientific)

Kidney, Nephron and Glomerulus (Anatomy Warehouse)

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