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Digital Primary Sources and Collections

A guide to online resources and repositories available while libraries are closed.

Onine Digitized Primary Source Materials

While there is no replacement for visiting an archives to do research, many archives are still closed due to COVID-19. While for some projects this can be an insurmountable hurdle, for many topics, digital resources are available that can help meet research and teaching needs in the absence of print availability.

Many libraries, archives, and cultural institutions have digitized materials from their collections. In some cases, only noteworthy documents and objects have been digitized; in others, thousands of images have been created from a single collection. Below are links to some major digitization projects that contain historical primary source materials- browse through the collections to see if something fits your research needs. If you are looking for digitized materials on a specific topic, please contact ff2662 at we can try to identify documents and images from ditigized collections represented here or elsewhere to use in teaching and research.

Below are some major collections of documents. Many other institutions have digitized collections- far too many to list here. Please reach out to a librarian or archivist who can help you find digital materials for your project!