MGT 5510 - Managing Organizational Structure

APA 7th edition Examples - Journal & Magazine Articles

Journal Article with a DOI and Multiple Authors

Currie, J., DellaVigna, S., Moretti, E., & Pathania, V. (2010). The effect of fast food restaurants on obesity and weight gain. American Economic Journal.Economic Policy, 2(3), 32-63.

In-Text Citation:  (Currie, DellaVigna, Moretti & Pathania, 2010) for the first use and then (Currie et al., 2010) for all further uses

Note:  With 2 authors, always use both.  With 3-5 authors, use all of them for the first in-text citation but then use FirstAuthorName et al.for any other in-text citations. With 6 or more authors, Use FirstAuthorName et al. for all in-test citations

Journal Article with a DOI but No author

Innovating the franchise model. (2018). Strategic Direction34(11), 17–19.

In-Text Citation: ("Innovating", 2018)

Note: If the item does not have an author, use the first word or two in the parentheses. Titles of books and reports are italicized; titles of articles, chapters, and web pages are in quotation marks

Note: When citing an article retrieved from an online database that does not have a DOI, use the appropriate print citation. If the item was difficult to retrieve, you can provide a more thorough citation by providing the item number, accession number or the text Retrieved from DtabaseName database. You should not include retrieval dates. 

Journal Article without a DOI

Azim, P., & Azim, S. (2012). Impact of constructive marketing strategies on return (revenue & profitability): A case study of McDdonald's. Journal of Asian Business Strategy, 2(7), 153. 

In-Text Citation: (Azim & Azim, 2012)

Magazine Article

Maze, J. (2017, August). Fast food is not dead. Nation's Restaurant News, 51(11). 14-15.

In-Text Citation:  (Maze, 2017)

APA 7th edition Examples - Annual Reports

Annual Report from Company Website:

Company Name. (Date of Publication). Title of report. http://www.xxxxxxxx

McDonald's Corporation. (2019). 2019 annual report

In-Text Citation: (McDonald's Corporation, 2019)

Note: No period after URL. Do not insert a hyphen when continuing URL to next line; break the URL at punctuation only which can be an existing hyphen.

Annual Report from SEC EDGAR Website:

Company Name. (Date of Publication). Title of report. Retrieved from Agency Name website: http://www.xxxxxxxx

McDonald's Corporation. (2019). Form 10-K annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2019. Retrieved from SEC EDGAR website:

In-Text Citation: (McDonald's Corporation, 2019).

Note: Identify the publisher as part of the retrieval statement if the publisher is not the author: Retrieved from Agency Name website: http://www.xxxxxxxx

APA 7th edition Examples - Bloomberg

Data or Table

Bloomberg L.P. (2020). Apple, Inc. [Price & history graph]. Retrieved from Bloomberg database

In-text citation:  (Bloomberg 2020)

Note: In this instance, Bloomberg is creating the table or graph from it's dataset so is indicated as the author in the citation

Article with Author

Smith, S. (2017, January 8). Analyzing palm oil prices, exports. Bloomberg. Retrieved from Bloomberg database.

In-text citation:  (Smith, 2017)

Note: In this case the item had an author so that is used instead.

APA 7th Examples -- Case Studies

Author. (Year). Title of case study. Case # Label**: Case Number. Publisher.

**Case # Label: Each publisher refers to their case numbering scheme in Different ways so use the label that matches their numberings scheme.  For instance, Harvard Bushiness School Publishing refers to them by their HBS Number so use HBS No: as your label here.  Ivey Publishing refers to theirs as IDs so use Ivey ID: as your label. If either case follow the Label with a colon and then the appropriate number.

Case from Harvard Business School

Thomas, D.A., (1999). Leaving HBS No. 400033-PDF-ENG. Harvard Business School Publishing.

In-text citation:  (Thomas, 1999)

Case from Ivey Publishing

Bansal, P & Le Ber, M.J.,,. (2008). Google's way -- Don't be evil.  Ivey ID: 9B07M067.. Ivey Publishing

In-text citation:  (Bansal & Le Ber, 2008)

Note: If the case study does not contain these specific elements then it has probably been published in article format so cite it as a journal article.

APA 7th edition Examples - DemographicsNow!

Author. (Date of Publication). Title of document [Table]. Retrieved Date from Demographics Now database. 

Gale Cengage Learning. (2019). Consumer Expenditure Food, Beverage, Grocery Detail Summary: , Detroit, MI [Table]. Retrieved August 25, 2020 from Demographics Now database. 

In-Text Citation: (Gale Cengage Learning, 2019).

Note: Use retrieval date, since demographic information in this database can change over time.

APA 7th edition Examples - IBISWorld


Author. (Date of Publication). Title of document (Report number) [Report type]. Retrieved Date from IBISWorld database.

Hyland, R. (2020 April). Fast Food Restaurants in the US (72221a) [U.S. industry (NAICS) report]. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

Fernandez, C. (2019, December). Burger Restaurants (OD4306) [U.S. specialized industry report]. Retrieved from IBISWorld database.

In-Text Citation: (Hyland, 2020)

Note: Include a report number, if given, in parentheses after the title. Because the reports themselves are dated thereby fixing the date of the content, it is not necessary to include a retrieval date.

APA 7th edition Examples - Mergent

Mergent Online Company Profile:

Author. (Date of Publication). Title of document [Company profile]. Retrieved month date, year from DatabaseName database.

Mergent, Inc. (n.d.). McDonald's Corp [Company profile]. Retrieved July 27, 2020 from Mergent Online database.

In-Text Citation: (Mergent, Inc., n.d.).

Note: Company profiles are not dated in Mergent Online, so use n.d. (no date) for publication date and add the retrieval date to the "Retrieved from" section. Also use n.d. for the in-text citation.

10-K/Annual Report from Mergent Online Company Profile:

Company Name. (Date of Publication). Title of report. Retrieved from DatabaseName database.

McDonald's Corporation. (2019, February 22). Form 10-K annual report for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2018. Retrieved from Mergent Online database.

In-Text Citation: (McDonald's Corporation, 2019).

Note: The official date for an SEC filing can usually be found at the end of the document

Financial Statements from Mergent Online Company Profile:

Author. (Date of Publication). Title of report. Retrieved from DatabaseName database.

Mergent, Inc. (2019, December 31). McDonald's Corporation. as reported annual balance sheet. Retrieved from Mergent Online database.

In-Text Citation: (Mergent, Inc., 2019).

APA 7th edition Examples - Nexis Uni

Nexis Uni Company Profile:

Author. (Date of Publication). Title of document [Company profile]. Retrieved from Title database.

LexisNexis. (n.d.). McDonald's. [Company profile]. Retrieved July 8, 2020 from Nexis Uni database.

In-Text Citation: (Nexis Uni, n.d.).

Note: Company profiles are not dated in Nexis Uni, so use n.d. (no date) for publication date and add the retrieval date to the "Retrieved from" section. Also use n.d. for the in-text citation.


APA 7th edition Examples - RIA Checkpoint

Editorial Material with Author

Afterman, A.B. and Jones, R.H. (2015, January). Part II: Balance sheet [2: Cash]. Accounting and Auditing Disclosure Manual. Retrieved from RIA Checkpoint database.

In-text citation:  (Afterman & Jones, 2015)

Editorial Material without Author

American Institute of CPA’s. (2012). AAG Airlines [Chapter 1-The Airline Industry]. Audit and Accounting Guides. Retrieved from RIA Checkpoint database.

In-text citation:  (American Institute of CPAs, 2012)

APA 7th edition Examples - Wharton Research Data Services (WRDS)

Author. (Date). Title of dataset [Description of variables used] [Data set]. Database name. Retrieval Date from Website URL


Standard & Poor's (n.d.).  Compustat daily updates -- fundamentals annual [McDonald's Corporation: Income statement items - January 2010 to December 2019]. [Data set] CapitalIQ. Retrieved June 25, 2020, from Wharton Research Data Services 


Center for Research in Security Prices. (n.d.). CRSP daily stock [McDonald's Corporation stock prices from 2010 to 2019] [Data set]. Retrieved June 27, 2020, from from Wharton Research Data Services 

Note: The Author is the data collector, the person or entity that compiled the data.  The Title is the dataset used but, because that doesn't specify the exact data used, create a description after the title in [square brackets], of what criteria was applied to get the variables used. . 

Based on:

Schemm, N., Dellenbach, M., Grisham, Z., Hageman, M., Tingle, N., Trowbridge, M., & Wheatley, A. (2020). APA 7th ed. citation for business sources.