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Relevant online encyclopedias

Encyclopedia of Gerontolgy

Covers the latest research on the study of aging. Explores the many influences that bring change to individuals over the life span. Influences range from genetics to physiology, sociology, psychology, and anthropology. Physical, social, and economic environments as well as the traditions of families and religion also influence human life. Articles cover the depth and the breadth of influences on the living organism.
This is the 2nd edition which was published in 2007.

The Gale Encyclopedia of Nursing and Allied Health

Up to date comprehensive encyclopedia for the allied health professions and topics.
This is the 2nd edition which was published in 2006.

Encyclopedia of Public Health

Encyclopedia examines a broad range of topics such as environmental health, drug abuse, epidemiology, nutrition, demographics and diseases. Includes overviews, definitions and biographical entries. appropriate for upper class high school and university students, professionals and the general public

Encyclopedia of Medical Anthropology

Includes entries on health, disease, cultures, medicine, and related topics.

Encyclopedia of Social Work

20th edition of the National Association of Social Workers renowned enclopedia.

Relevant Print Encyclopedias

Clinical handbook for gerontological nursing - Science and Engineering Library Reference
RC 954 .T32 2006

The encyclopedia of aging : a comprehensive resource in gerontology and geriatrics - Science and Engineering Library Reference
HQ 1061 .E53 2006

Subject Guide

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Monique Oldfield
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