Promotion of ORCID through library website, social media outlets, and information fairs and other campus activities
Addition of ORCID identifiers to email signature and in any research workflow
Individual consultations with researchers
Stand-alone ORCID workshops or faculty meeting presentations
Integration of ORCID information into workshops on database searching, altmetrics, SciENcv, online researcher profiles, in scientific research, and writing courses, etc.
Communication of ORCID importance through liaison networks
Integration of ORCID identifiers into institutional repository
Mediation of ORCID identifier creation and maintenance
Creation of educational materials (e.g., LibGuide)
Become an ORCID expert to make recommendations to the institution
Librarians' Engagement in Implementing ORCID within Campus
Librarians at the University of Michigan recently embarked on an initiative to address name ambiguity for faculty authors by implementing ORCID across their campus.
The Libraries assigned over 10,000 ORCID identifiers to graduate students. Students can see their ORCID ID their campus directory records. (Texas A&M University)