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Digital Humanities and Digital Scholarship: Data Visualization

Digital humanities services, tools, and selected bibliography from WSU librarians

Getting Started


Self-identified as "link between spreadsheets and vector graphics".  Nice interface for pasting data straight from a spreadsheet, selecting graph types, configuring, and saving (or embedding HTML somewhere else of the graph).

Tabeau Public

Integrated software and platform for visualizing data.  Here are some examples for what's possible with Tableau Public.


Upload and visualize data, with step-by-step instructions.  No programming necessary.

Timeline JS3

Platform for creating timelines!  With a singular focus, Timeline JS3 does an excellent job walking you through the process.

Contact the library- we can help

Examples and Inspiration

Data Visualization is a broad topic, but can be summarized as the process of structuring and representing data to interact with it visually, to gain intuitions and understanding that the raw data may not immediately provide.  Data visualization goes hand-in-hand with many other Digital Humanities techniques, often augmenting the processing of data in other methods by providing a final human-friendly interface for insights into data.

Image credit: "Track National Unemployment, Job Gains and Job Losses", Dam and Lightner, Wall Street Journal, link, and their tools, are an example of using data visualization to intuit patterns in widely accessible data.  You can find the new Gapminder data exploration tool here (pictured above).

Via the online platform, Timeline JS3.

Learning More

D3 - Data-Driven Documents

D3 is a Javascript library / engine for creating interactive visualizations of data.  It is becoming one of the most popular libraries for creating visualizations online.  View their extensive gallery here.


An online graphing platform.  Notable and handy for streaming data in realtime.  


Software for Mac, Windows, Linux for creating visualizations of data.  Widely considered one of the "go-to" software options for data visualization.