You can also use French Subject Headings in WorldCat!
For example: Change the dropdown "Keyword" to "Subject Phrase" in all three search lines. Then enter:
litterature francaise
16e siecle
histoire et critique
in each of the three search boxes.
Some other subject phrase searches that work well are:
Flaubert, Gustave (i.e. an author's name)
Critique et interpretation (French languge subject heading)
History and criticism (English subject heading ABOUT the work; rather than the work itself)
1. Search Title of Book in WSU's Catalog
- Print & E-Books
2. Click on MeL button
- Request through MeL
- Start Over searching MeL by Title or Author
- there may be other records!
3. ILLiad to Interlibrary Loan Books
When articles won't link, check to be sure WSU really
doesn't have access:
1. Search Journal Title in WSU's Catalog
- reveals all holdings by year/volume
2. Search database Google Scholar from Library's
homepage by Article Title
3. If still not found, you can "Request this item" be
delivered to you
- click through from database citation, or
- use Citation Linker (under Resources)
- Interlibrary Loan (login to ILLiad and fill in fields)
NOTE: Must register first time only