KIN3000 - Professional Perspectives in Kinesiology

Plagiarism: how to avoid it

When to Cite Sources

Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you are required to cite your source and provide a complete reference for your source in a bibliography, list of references or works cited.

APA Style Guides

More APA information

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Meghan McGowan
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Flipped Classroom Activity

Flipped Classroom Activity - Understanding information sources

Please review the materials in this box (4 short videos and 1 short PowerPoint) and complete the Flipped Classroom Quiz on Canvas.

Read through the PowerPoint on empirical research articles below:

Searching with Boolean Operators

Power Searching

Search Google Scholar

Searching Google Scholar through the library's connection provides you free access to our full-text articles.

Google Scholar Search

Finding Empirical Research Articles

You can find articles in lots of different journals and magazines by using an Article Database, Summon, or Google Scholar. Using the Advanced search options can help you limit your search to empirical research articles.

Using Article Linker to Access or Request Full-Text Articles

Hierarchy of Evidence

hierarchy of evidence pyramid