MIX 2016 Conference Agenda
Friday, August 5, 2016
8:30 – 9:00 AM Registration and Continental Breakfast
9:00 – 9:20 AM Welcome 142 Assembly Hall
9:20 – 10:30 AM Panel Discussion (142 Assembly Hall)
Our speakers highlight the challenges of preparing high school students for college level research, from their different perspectives as stakeholders in the high school-college transition. Topics include high school information literacy skill building, skills for college success and high school/college partnerships to improve student success.
10:30-10:45 AM Break
10:45 – 11:15 AM Panel Speaker Breakout Sessions
An opportunity to join each of our panel speakers in an informal session. These sessions provide an opportunity for attendees to join the conversation and ask questions of individual panel speakers.
11:15 – 11:30 Break
11:30 - Noon Presentations (Classrooms)
Attend one of the following concurrent presentations
104: Making Frameworks Work: Using the ACRL and Common Core Standards to Ease the Transition from High School to College Elizabeth Settoducato, University Library Associate, University of Michigan and Deirdre Hirschtritt, University Library Associate, University of Michigan
106: For Those Who Want to Rock! A Threshold Concept Explained Through Paths to Musicianship Karl Ericson, Assistant Librarian, University of Detroit Mercy
108: Critical Collaborators for Student Success: Finding Out What Students (Don't) Know Gayle Schaub, Liberal Arts Librarian, Grand Valley State University and Cara Cadena, Business Liaison Librarian, Grand Valley State University
110: Marijuana, Guns, Obesity, Oh My! Librarian-Faculty Collaboration to Support First-year Student Topic Development Lindy Scripps-Hoekstra, Liaison Librarian, Grand Valley State University and Julie White, Affiliate Professor, Grand Valley State University
112: Exploring Wonderland: Community Outreach and Special Collections Diana Perpich, Educational Technologies Librarian, University of Michigan and Jo Angela Oehrli, Learning Librarian & Children’s Literature Librarian, University of Michigan
Noon – 1:00 LUNCH (142 Assembly Hall)
1:00 – 2:00 MIX Lightning Talks (Lecture Hall A)
Be inspired by the ideas shared by practitioners in high school and higher education setting in a fast, fun format.
FLITE Training School: Librarians & High Schools & Admissions for the WIN! Kristy Motz, Library Instruction Coordinator, Ferris State University
Engaging Students with Artifacts Ruth Ann Jones, Special Collections Education and Outreach Librarian, Michigan State University
Doing Outreach to K-12's? Including MeL is a Must Deb Biggs, MEL & Library Outreach Coordinator, Library of Michigan/MDE and Christine Schneider, Education Specialist, Library of Michigan/MDE
Ready, Set, GO-GIRL Katrina Rouan, Learning & Research Support Librarian, Wayne State University
Information Literacy and Workplace Readiness Cara Cadena, Business Liaison Librarian, Grand Valley State University
Plenty to Share: OERs to support information skill building Veronica Bielat, Learning & Research Support Librarian, Wayne State University
Invasion of the Tweens: Elementary School Tours at a Large Academic Library Holly Flynn, Outreach Librarian, Michigan State University
STEM collaboration: C2 Pipeline Alexandra Sarkozy, Learning & Research Support Librarian, Wayne State University
2:00 – 2:30 PM Talk with the “Talkers” (142 Assembly Hall)
Learn even more about the new ideas presented during the MIX Lightning Talks in these smaller informal group sessions. Attendees may meet with any of the “Talkers” to ask questions about their projects and presentations.
2:30 – 2:45 PM Break
2:45 – 3:15 PM Digital Literacy for High School Librarians
Jo Angela Oehrli, University of Michigan, will discuss the Supporting Librarians in Adding Data Literacy Skills to Information Literacy Instruction project, a two-year project running from October 2015 through September 2017 to develop data and statistical literacy skills in high school librarians so they can better support critical comprehension skills in their students. Over the course of the project, co-PIs Kristin Fontichiaro and Jo Angela Oehrli will partner data experts with curriculum experts to identify mini-lessons, strategies, and “rules of thumb” that high school librarians (and others working with beginning researchers) can nimbly weave into their instruction.
Project deliverables include:
This MIX presentation will report on both the status of the project and the results of the Summer 2016 4T Online Conference conducted in July.
3:15 – 3:45 PM MIX IT UP Student Conversation with Zach Rich, Wayne State University (142 Assembly Hall)
Students have a unique perspective on the transition from high school to college. Join this one-on-one conversation with a college student as he shares what made the difference in his success with research papers and projects.
3:45-4:00 PM MIX Wrap Up (142 Assembly Hall)
4:00 – 4:30 PM MI-ALA/MIX Future (142 Assembly Hall)
An open discussion with interested members of Michigan Academic Library Association and MIX attendees to discuss the future direction of the biennial MIX Conference.