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Research Impact and Online Researcher Profiles

Tips and tools for assessing the impact of journals, journal articles, and researchers and for boosting one's online researcher profile.


Accruing citations to your journal articles is a slow process. Altmetrics (e.g., number of article views or downloads, number of shares or mentions in social media) are faster measures of how people--both other researchers and the general public--are interested in your work.

Tools for assessing your altmetrics

ImpactStory brings together a diverse assortment of altmetrics for all of your research outputs, including journal articles, datasets, computer code, and slides. Twitter users can sign up for a free ImpactStory account.

The free Altmetric Bookmarklet can be easily installed in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari browsers. Navigate to a journal article webpage and click "Altmetric it!".

Scopus provides altmetric data for articles in its database using Altmetric

PLoS Reports: Article-Level Metrics (ALM) is a free tool that provides a variety of altmetrics for articles published in PLoS journals. Other journal publishers, such as WileyElsevier, and Springer, also provide altmetrics for some of their articles and/or journals.

figshare and Dryad and other repositories for datasets and other research outputs provide altmetrics such as number of views, downloads, and/or social media shares.

Further reading

J. Priem, D. Taraborelli, P. Groth, C. Neylon. (2010). Altmetrics: a manifesto.

Multiple authors. (2012-present). Altmetrics collection. PLoS ONE.

Rise of 'altmetrics' revives questions about how to measure impact of research. The Chronicle of Higher Eduction. 

R. Costas, Z. Zahedi, P. Wouters. (2014). Do altmetrics correlate with citations? Extensive comparison of altmetric indicators with citations from a multidisciplinary perspective. arXiv.

R. Kwok. (2013). Research impact: Altmetrics make their mark. Nature, 500: 491-493.