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Seed Library

A research guide containing information about gardening and native plants in southeast Michigan.

Wayne State University Seed Library

Wayne State University Library is starting a seed library!

Inspired by the desire to connect with our community in new and meaningful way, Wayne State University Libraries is dedicating resources toward creating a seed library on campus. Our initial plans were interrupted by COVID-19 this past spring, but we have shifted gears, and are now focusing on creating ways for gardeners, seed savers, urban farmers, and biodiversity enthusiasts to connect and learn about plants and seed saving online.

The WSULS Seed Library is for everyone interested interested in plants, gardening, food justice, and sustainability. Our community is not limited to those affiliated with Wayne State University. We seek to provide information and connection to plant enthusiasts in the city of Detroit, the metro area, and to anyone who finds our page. Our focus will be on gardening with open pollinated, heirloom, and native plants in southeast Michigan.

In this online space, we will be providing links to ebooks about gardening and seed saving, local sources of seeds and plants, online programming, web resources, and links to local organizations who also work in this space. We'll also be blogging regularly about seed saving, gardening, and biodiversity topics. We're happy you've found us, and welcome you to take a look around, and encourage you to participate in our programs as we host them.

Circumstances can change quickly due to responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. While we have hopes to provide seeds for fall and spring planting to our community, we also understand that it may not be possible for health and safety reasons. In the meantime, we'd like to share our favorite gardening resources, and to hear from you about your gardening experiences this season.
