Selector: Matt Mustonen
“Standing in real space, sculpture defies time. Many moving examples of it have come down to us from the past—moving, because this art always focuses directly on the image and work of man, who carved and modelled even before he took to building and painting. For many periods of history, statuary constitutes the sole remaining testimony of man’s awareness of himself and his world.
Yet, of all forms of artistic expression, sculpture remains even today the least understood, the least appreciated. Often set in a public space, often of considerable size and weight, it does not stir the imagination as the other arts do. Nor can it arise and expand with the ease, independence and spontaneity of drawing or painting, for it is closely connected with architecture and needs a social setting in order to reach its full, monumental dimension.”
Excerpt from; Sculpture- From Antiquity To The Present Day – Taschen Books.
Sample images from the AMICA Library
"Artist Theo Jansen demonstrates the amazingly lifelike kinetic sculptures he builds from plastic tubes and lemonade bottles. His creatures are designed to move -- and even survive -- on their own."