What is an Artist's Book?
According to the Smithsonian Libraries, "An artist’s book is a medium of artistic expression that uses the form or function of “book” as inspiration." (https://blog.library.si.edu/2012/06/what-is-an-artists-book/#.WAUMMvkrLRY)
Pinterest Boards of Book Art:
Book with insects flying from the center, many dimensional scenes
Dogs made from printed pages
Dimensional scenes, trees, birds
Folded pages, patterns, designs
Whimsical, drawing and painting on text
Items made from printed pages – flowers, birds, and origami
Selected Artists' Books by Judy Barrass: http://www.judybarrass.com/Artist_Books.html
Pinterest Boards of Handmade and Artists’ Books:
Italian Studies are offered through the Romance Languages Program in the Department of Classical and Modern Languages, Literatures, and Cultures