We're here to help!
The law librarians and library staff are here to support your research efforts, please don't hesitate to ask questions or seek our assistance. We're looking forward to working with you.
Monday – Thursday 8:00am – 9:30pm
Friday 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am – 5:00pm
Sunday 12:00pm – 8:00pm
Check schedule/hours here: https://library.wayne.edu/info/hours/neef/
A librarian is available to assist you in person, by phone, Ask A Librarian or by requesting an appointment, Monday through Friday, 11:00 am - 5:00 pm.
Arthur Neef Law Library
Circulation Desk
Law Library Director
(Interim Director: Michelle LaLonde,
Reference Desk
(Monday - Friday, 11am - 5pm)
Librarians prepare displays in the lobby adjacent to the law library entrance. The current Hammurabi Lobby installation is a 4 panel display that shows you how to search and retrieve Michigan Supreme Court filings online for free.
Recently, the library partnered with two major publishers to digitize its print records and briefs collection. Today, most of the retrospective filings (pre-2011) are discoverable, searchable and downloadable on Google Books and the LLMC Digital database. Both resources are available via the Article Databases tab at the library website. The Michigan Supreme Court continues to make digital versions of filings from 2011 forward on its website.
Questions about using these resources? Ask your law librarian!
Want more information about the digitization project? Go to the digital commons!