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Dividing the Kingdoms: Interdisciplinary Methods for Teaching Shakespeare to Undergraduates: Digital Texts

King Lear Digital Texts

For the Shakespeare Lear project, a collection of physical texts were digitized to enable annotation, text mining and visualizations, including early editions of Shakespeare’s play King Lear (1608, 1685), his sources for the play, and a 1736 adaptation of the play by Nahum Tate

Three of the texts were digitized from the Wayne State University Special Collections:

  • Holinshed, Raphael, Francis Thynne, Abraham Fleming, Richard Stanyhurst, John Stow, John Hooker, and William Harrison. [the Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland. London, 1587. Print.
  • Shakespeare, William, and Nahum Tate. The History of King Lear: A Tragedy. Acted at the King's-Theatre. Revised, with Alterations. London: Printed for W. Feales, 1736. Print.
  • Spenser, Edmund, Humphrey Lownes, and Matthew Lownes. The Faerie Queen: The Shepheards Calendar : Together with the Other Works of England's Arch-Poët. London: Printed by H.L. for Mathew Lownes, 1611. Print.

One text, the version of Lear from the Fourth Folio (1685) was digitized from the text held at the Detroit Public Library, enabled by a collaboration between Wayne State University Library System and the Detroit Public Library.

Other texts are transcribed versions of texts from the Folger Digital Library, including:

All texts are accessible through the Digital Collections platform at the Wayne State University Libraries: