If you want to go directly to the Official Journal, you need the official Journal citation (including the year). For example, OJ L330, 16.12.2009, p. 28-36 means the Official Journal, issue 330 of the L series, December, 16th 2009, p. 28-36.
In Lexis you can do a Get a Document search for the Official Journal number . If you know the directive number, you can do a title segment search in the Lexis EURCOM;ECLAW source (for example title(83/447) which will give you the directive and all amending directives).
In Westlaw, do a Find search for the Official Journal number. You can also do a Field search in the Westlaw databases Eu-All, Eu-LEG, or EU-OJCSERIES (for example ti(83/447) ).
“A European Union statutory text is considered Secondary Legislation within the legal framework of the EU, with the treaties serving as the Primary Legislation. Can be any one of three types:
The Basic Source of EU statutory texts is Official Journal of the European Communities. (Can find most EU legislation in “Part L”). Series C (Communication) contains notices and other communications. Best researched on the web using the official CELEX database via the Eur-Lex portal. The official Journal is also available on Lexis and Westlaw.
Official Journal legislation is not codified by subject at a later date, but a good reference is the Directory of Community Legislation in Force, which can be browsed via the Eur-Lex website:
Summaries of EU Legislation presents overviews of the main aspects of European Union legislation in a concise and easy-to-read manner.
Many EU websites allow browsing and are indexed/organized according to a common structure derived from the sections of the major EU treaties. Major topics in the Summaries of European Legislation web page, for example, include Economic and monetary affairs, Justice, freedom, and security, Consumers, Environment, and Human Rights.