Shiffman - Biochemistry and Molecular Biology

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Health Sciences Databases / Clinical Decision Support Tools

Searching WSU Databases for Full-Text Articles

When the full text of the article is not available in the database, use the "Link to Full Text" button 360 Link to Full Text.

The system will search for full text and return the options in a separate window.

Click on the Article link that appears in the new window. You may have to click through 2-3 pages until you reach the PDF link for the article.

If you receive a message that the article is not available, use the "Request digital delivery" link and follow the instructions to order the article. Digital delivery (ILLIad) sends a PDF version of the article to you. You will receive notice via email, usually within 1-2 business days.

If you continue to have difficulty retrieving an article, contact by email, call the Reference Desk at 313-577-1094, or visit us on the first floor of the Mazurek Medical Education Commons .

Featured Database

ClinicalKey is a user-friendly medical database which enables keyword searching.  Like Google, entering keywords into the search bar enables users to click on autosuggest terms. 

Search results can be narrowed into category:

  • journals
  • books
  • practice guidelines
  • patient information
  • drugs
  • multimedia
  • CME

Results can also be narrowed by

  • content type
  • specialty
  • date
  • study type

One should establish a free username and password to take advantage of the available resources such as Reading ListCME, and Presentation. The username is your email address and the password does not require special characters. 

For more information about ClinicalKey, see