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Disciplinary Repositories: Social Science Repositories

An overview of open access repositories by discipline.

Social Science Print Repositories


 The Social Science Research Network (SSRN) is an open-access repository devoted to the rapid dissemination of scholarly research in the social sciences and humanities.


Subjects Covered Social Sciences and Humanities.  SSRN is a series of Subject Area Networks.
Launch Date 1994
Managing Entity Elsevier
Types of Prints Accepted Working and accepted papers. 
Acquisition Approach Authors can self-deposit and SSRN works with over 1,800 scientific journals and research institutions to deposit works.
Additional Notes SSRN was sold to Elsevier in May 2016.  Full-text is mostly available, although some are only abstracts and will prompt you to contact the author for access to the article.


 SocArXiv is an open archive of the social sciences and provides a free and publicly accessible platform for social scientists to upload working papers, pre-prints, published papers, data, and code.  SocArXiv is dedicated to opening up social science, to reach more people more effectively, to improve research, and build the future of scholarly communication.


Subjects Covered Social Sciences
Launch Date 2016
Managing Entity A partner of the nonprofit Center for Open Science (COS).  SocArXiv is housed at the University of Maryland.
Types of Prints Accepted Working papers, Pre-prints, and post-prints
Acquisition Approach Author Deposit.  No fee to submit.
Additional Notes Google Scholar indexes SocArXiv papers.

Additional Social Sciences Print Repositories:


e-LIS is the largest international open repository in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) and has grown to include a team of volunteer editors and support for 22 languages.  

LIS Scholarship Archive

A free, open scholarly platform for library and information science, powered by OSF Preprints


Cogprints is an electronic archive for self-archive papers in any area of Cognitive Sciences: Psychology, Neuroscience, Linguistics, and many areas of Computer Science, Philosophy, Biology, Medicine, and Anthropology.