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Disciplinary Repositories: Humanities Repositories

An overview of open access repositories by discipline.

Humanities Print Repositories

MLA Commons CORE Repository

The Commons Open Repository Exchange (CORE) provides MLA Commons members with a permanent, open access storage facility for their scholarly output, facilitating maximum discoverability and encouraging peer feedback. 


Subjects Covered The Humanities
Launch Date 2015
Managing Entity The Modern Language Association (MLA) and Columbia University Libraries/Information Services' Center for Digital Research and Scholarship
Types of Prints Accepted Peer-reviewed journal articles, dissertations and theses; works in progress; conference papers; syllabi; abstracts; data sets; presentations; translations; book reviews; maps; charts; and more.  
Acquisition Approach Author Deposit
Additional Notes MLA encourages the deposit of less traditional forms of scholarly communication.  All items uploaded to CORE get a DOI, or digital object identifier, that serves as a permalink and a citation source.

Additional Humanities Print Repositories:


PhilArchive is the largest open access e-print archive in philosophy.  PhilArchive is developed and operated by the Centre for Digital Philosophy at Western University.

The Oxford Text Archive

The Oxford Text Archive develops, collects, catalogues, and preserves electronic literary and linguistic resources for use in Higher Education, in research, teaching and learning.