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ENG 3010 - Intermediate Writing


Consider the larger context of your Professional Discourse Community. Find yours below and watch the short video from one of our Wayne State University Subject Specialist Librarians to understand how to find resources about the communicative practices of your discourse community.

Are you looking at Social Work, Education, Anthropology, Psychology, Political Science - these topics and others that look at studying human society and/or the role of human relationships would fall under Social Sciences.

Are you a pre-med student? You will need to think about future, and the discourse community in Medicine, Health and Physical Sciences you'd like to engage with, such as neuroscience, pediatrics, cardiology, chemistry, biology and others. This discourse community also includes Nursing, Kinesiology, Sports Medicine.

Are you interested in the fine or performing arts, music, film studies or film production? Then the Humanities is your broad discourse community.

Global Supply Chain Management, Accounting, Management, Marketing? These all fall under Business.


Additional special resources for discovering discourse communities