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Information Sciences Technology Toolbox

Resources for SIS IM Courses

Information Mangement Toolbox

This guide is organized by topic with resources to support Information Management students in their courses in the School of Information Sciences.


Computer Programming in Python


Web Scripting

Accessing the Servers

Using Microsoft Teams

Help with Mac Computers

Basic Skills

File Systems are how files, programs and documents are stored on a computer or on storage media like a CD or external hard drive.

Different operating systems may use different types of file storage file types and file storage architecture.

FTP stands for File Transfer Protocol. FileZilla and Cyberduck are commonly used software in SIS courses that use FTP to access the student servers at SIS.

You can find more about FTP, FileZilla, Cyberduck and more on the Tutorials page.

If you have issues accessing the student server you can contact C&IT for password issues and SISTech for further assistance.

See the HTML Resources Page of this guide.

SQL is typically introduced in the introductory technology courses at SIS and expanded on in Database Design and Development.

Ask Questions!

If you have questions we hope the resources in this guide will help.

If you're having password issues contact C&IT for support.

For most other issues SIS Tech is able to provide support.

If you're struggling with an error message consider asking your question on your class discussion board or on social media. Someone else may have had a similar issue!

Get Involved at SIS!

Considering following SIS on instagram or joining a student organization!

Advance Your Career