Welcome to the guide for Citing References Using MLA Style!
We hope that you will find this guide a useful starting place for information on style guidelines from the Modern Language Association (MLA). We have assembled a core collection of resources available through the Wayne State University Library System, as well as high quality, freely available web resources. This guide is a collaborative work-in-progress, developed with suggestions and feedback from students and faculty.
Do not use AI to suggest references to read/cite
Please be aware that ChatGPT and other AI services can produce incorrect, made-up references that cannot be sourced. While some individual parts of an AI-generated reference may be accurate (such as the journal name, article or book title or an author) the whole reference does not usually exist so cannot be found by our library team.
If you have a reference that you cannot find, our team may ask where it came from so that we can ensure it is legitimate before attempting to find it. If you need assistance, please use our 24/7 library chat service.