Data source that a user can interact with and see visualized data. It has collected data related to demography, politics, crime, economy, health and more. The WSU guide offers a comprehensive overview of working with the site.
For specific city related data searches, users can use this portal. Browse studies from the topics listed on the main page. This site helps users versed in reading data, but it also does provide some graphs and charts for certain datasets. This link guides to the user to the FAQ page to help navigate the site more easily. How to Use
Use this government site to search for data on demographics and population estimates for the United States. The map link shows the United States and can narrow search by state, county, school district, and tribal land among others. Additionally, users can find information related to median household income, employment status, and education attainment as well. Quick tip: Remember to clear filters to reset the search. Tips for navigating searches
User can review the financial position of each member country in the International Monetary Fund. Review quota contributions, outstanding purchases and loans, and other relevant program integration for more focused searching.
The ICPSR is made up of 750 institutions and research organizations run by the University of Michigan. Their main focus is data research, promotion of data access, digital stewardship, and reviewing data analysis methodology. You can browse thematic data collections or search for specific data sets using the "Find Data" general search page. General search page Help guide
Worth Rises is a non-profit advocacy organization dedicated to dismantling the prison industry. Please review their Corporate Database Methodology document to learn more about the data presented in their tables.
Dive into working with data using this research guide. It provides an overview of useful places to find datasets and ways to manage data. Click in the guide for links to more resources on Detroit data and statistics.