The Film Studies librarian, Diane Sybledon, has a Film Studies research guide which includes information on finding Film Reviews. We've included some resources here, but feel free to check out Diane's guide for more information.
To find book reviews, click the News tab on the right-hand side of the page and then click on All News in the menu that pops up. You can then select "film reviews" in the Article Type section.
MRQE is pronounced "marquee", and claims to be "the Internet's largest database of movie reviews for over 90,000 titles." Indexes published and available reviews, news, interviews, discussion, etc.
From the University of California Berkeley Art Museum & Pacific Film Archive. Contains scanned images of reviews, press kits, festival and showcase program notes, newspaper articles, and other documents from the PFA Library's extensive collection covering world cinema, past and present.
This index of film reviews that appeared in Variety covers film reviews published from 1907 through 1988. It can be found in the basement of Purdy/Kresge library.