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This guide is developed to assist students researching topics in literary and cultural studies, composition and rhetoric, and film and media studies. Refer to other subject guides and the tabs below for related resources.

What is Digital Humanities?

About this Guide

This page is a work-in-progress, a collaboration between the liaison librarian and the students and faculty of the course ENG 8008, English and Digital Humanities. The goal of the guide is to introduce the digital humanities to students and faculty who wish to know more about the topic.

Graduate students Reema Barlaskar, Noha Beydoun, Ruth Clayman, Shawn Cooper, Zachary Fishman, Ruth Haller, Nabilah Khachab, Christopher Susak, Luke Thominet, and Melanie Zynel located and wrote evaluations of web-based resources important to the study and understanding of the digital humanities. The "Top 10" list represents their "best of the best," and they explained, evaluated and defended their choices, ultimately ranking them as presented. Thanks to Professor Julie Thompson Klein and her collaborative spirit, who makes many learning opportunities such as this one possible.

Open Access Journals

Top Ten

Explicated, evaluated and ranked by Reema Barlaskar, Noha Beydoun, Ruth Clayman, Shawn Cooper, Zachary Fishman, Ruth Haller, Nabilah Khachab, Christopher Susak, Luke Thominet, and Melanie Zynel.

Digital Humanities @Wayne State



Further Reading