Also available via BloombergLaw. Other business torts/employment related state by state surveys accessible via BloombergLaw.
Trying to determine if a state or how many states have laws on a particular topic? Or comparing laws from state to state? A 50 state survey may help you get started. Many databases have 50 state law compilations available.
Bloomberg Law State Law Chart Builders can be used to create 50-State surveys on a variety of legal subjects. From the Home page, click on Browse All Content, select Practice Centers, select topic, then locate the Practice Tools box. In some topics, the category "state law chart builders" will appear.
Research tips are available from the vendor by selecting "LibGuide" from the NSSL page.
Databases > National Survey of State Laws> More Information > LibGuide
Contains 200 surveys by topic with direct links to state laws and regulations within LexisNexis. Path: Type secondary sources then go to 50 state surveys.
NCSL tracks topics addressed by the state legislatures. This organization is often a good source to get a 'quick read' on popular issues. A topic overview and identification of state legislatures that have addressed the particular topic followed by a summary of statutes is especially helpful. Search for topic keywords at the website and note the date of the compilation for updating purposes.
This database, available via the Library's Article Databases list, provides access to practice oriented resources. Select a practice area and look for the availability of Smart Charts in the Practice Tools tile.
Contains surveys by topic with direct links to state laws and regulations within WestlawEdge. Path: Go to Secondary Sources then scroll down to 50 state surveys