Open Educational Resources (OER) differ from traditional educational resources in their licensing and permissions. Namely, the “open” aspect of OER can be defined by David Wiley’s 5R Framework.
*This material was created by David Wiley and published freely under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license at:
A list of repositories that allows you to search for OER content by discipline, type, level and other criteria.
Freely accessible textbooks, generally accessed online. Open Textbooks are part of the larger Open Educational Resources model, an effort to make high-quality learning materials freely available in electronic formats.
In general, open textbooks exhibit the following characteristics:
An e-textbook becomes "open" when its copyright-holder grants usage rights to the public through an "open license." which typically includes the right afforded by the 5 R's of open: the right to retain, reuse, revise, remix and redistribute.