BUILD Scholars

BUILD (Building Infrastructure Leading to Diversity) is an initiative to support diversity and student success in the biomedical sciences, supported by a grant from the National Institutes of Health (NIH)

Journal Rankings/Journal Impact Factors

Though highly debated, journal rankings and journal impact factors sometimes play a role in research. Learn more about:

Journal Rankings

Journal Impact Factors

Journal Citation Reports

  • click on "Browse categories"
  • Choose a group
  • Choose a category
  • Choose SCIE edition option
  • See a list of journals in that category ranked by Journal Impact Factor (JIF)

How to Read a Scholarly Journal Article

Here is a quick and easy guide to a scholarly article provided by North Carolina State University.

Learn how to read a scholarly article to glean information from them effectively.

Here is another good summary of how to effectively read a peer-reviewed article to get good quotes or information for citing in your research projects.