University Libraries’ Annual Program Assessment

University Libraries Mission Statement

Mission Statement:

The Wayne State University Libraries advance scholarship, student learning and faculty innovation through continuous development of a library that serves as a national model for a research University with an urban teaching and service mission.


The Access Services Area advances student success by providing access to physical and digital collections from internal and external sources. The Access Services Area helps provide study space and technology resources that contribute to achievement in academic success for students.


The Library Website Area advances the academic success and personal growth of undergraduate, graduate, and professional by providing them with a website containing information about library services and resources; tools for identifying information sources across all disciplines studied at the university; tools for retrieving digital books, articles, and other resources; and the means to request resources and services from the University Libraries.


The Library Instruction Area advances the academic success and intellectual growth of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students by assisting them in developing the skills necessary to locate, evaluate, and use information. The Reference/Research Consultation Area, through in-person and digital interactions, advances the academic success and intellectual growth of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students through quality answers to their research questions and by offering guidance in developing their information-finding skills.


The Library Collections Area Libraries advances the academic success and personal growth of undergraduate, graduate, and professional students by providing them with information resources serials, journals, books, and media in physical and digital formats necessary for such advancement.


The Library Publishing Area promotes open scholarly communication through the production, delivery, and preservation of digital research projects, and provides undergraduate, graduate, and professional students with a platform for presenting their scholarly research.


University Library System Learning Outcomes with Methods

Two assessments of learning outcomes are required annually. The University Libraries conducted the following assessments:
  1. Learning and Research Support: Evaluate Information Sources* 

First-year undergraduate students in FYS1010 will report an increase in confidence in applying strategies to evaluate information sources for reliability and relevance. 

In the evaluation following the completion of the Information and Media Literacy Module, 75% of the respondents who identified in Question 2 as being “Not knowledgeable at all” or “Slightly knowledgeable” about evaluating information they have found on the internet will identify as being more knowledgeable in Question 4 by selecting moderately, very or extremely. 

  1. Learning and Research Support: Locating Information for Assignments* 

Provide first-year undergraduate students in FYS 1010 with the instruction necessary to locate information for their assignments and studies. 

In the evaluation following the completion of the Information and Media Literacy Module, 75% of the respondents will identify in Question 3 at least 3 resources or services they will likely use to locate information sources for their papers and projects.  

  1. Library Collection Development: Books for Learning and Growth* 

Provide students with books that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021, 75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used ebooks, will rate their satisfaction with ebooks “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale. 

  1. Library Collection Development: Audiovisual Media for Learning and Growth* 

Provide students with the audiovisual media that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021, 75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used audiovisual media, will rate their satisfaction with audiovisual media “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale.  

  1. Library Collection Development: Online Articles for Learning and Growth* 

Provide students with the Online Articles (digital journals/articles) that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021, 75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used Online Articles, will rate their satisfaction with digital journals “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale. 

  1. Access Services: Circulation Services for Learning and Growth* 

Provide students with circulation services that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021,  75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used Circulation Services, will rate their satisfaction with circulation services “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale.

  1. Access Services: Reserve Services for Learning and Growth* 

Provide students with reserve services that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021,  75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used Course Reserve Services, will rate their satisfaction with reserve services “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale. 

  1. Access Services: Interlibrary Loan for Learning and Growth* 

Provide interlibrary loan/document delivery services that contribute to learning and growth. 

On the WSU Library Resources and Access Services Survey Winter 2021,  75% of students surveyed, who identify themselves as having used Interlibrary Loan, will rate their satisfaction with reserve services “satisfied” or “very satisfied” on the 5-point Likert scale. 

Method 1: WSU Library Services and Resources Survey Winter 2023

Assessment Method 1: Library Services and Resources Student Survey

The University Libraries conducted a survey of undergraduate and graduate/professional students from February 21 through March 20, 2023. This survey is a revised version of a survey we used as a method during the 2018-2019, 2020 -2021, and 2021-2022 academic years. Its questions query student satisfaction with resources and services. Our focus for this assessment plan will be on responses related to our collections and services for students. The collection questions focus on student satisfaction with books, online articles, library databases, and audiovisual media,. The questions on student satisfaction with services focus on circulation, reserves, and interlibrary loan / document delivery services.

The other data collected by the survey will be used in less formal assessment and planning. It should also contribute to the development of outcomes in the coming year.

This method will supply data for Outcomes 6, 7, 8, and 11.

See “Draft WSU Library Resources and Services Student Survey” below


The Survey was administered from February 21 through March 20, 2023 through the campus Qualtrics subscription.  It was a modified version of previously administered instrument.  Modifications included language changes for clarity and a reduction in the numbers of questions posed.

In total Qualtrics recorded 776 responses. Of those responses, 1 recorded use of the survey during preview and another 160 were so incomplete they were of no value. In total, there were 615 responses complete enough for analysis. About 148 of those responses (24%) are incomplete. The number of responses being analyzed will, therefore, vary from question to question. Responses were submitted by undergraduate, graduate, and professional school students.

Learning Outcome 6: Books for Learning and Growth

353 students identified themselves as having used ebooks. Of those respondents, 76 responded that they were “somewhat satisfied,” 142 that they were "satisfied," and 105 that they were "very satisfied." The 323 “somewhat satisfied,” "satisfied," or "very satisfied" respondents constitute 92% of the respondents. This measure exceeds the 80% response that indicates a successful achievement of Outcome 6, Satisfaction with Books for Learning and Growth.  Based on the successful results of the AY 2020/2021 survey, the target goal was increased from 75% to 80%.

Learning Outcome 7: Streaming Media for Learning and Growth

201 students identified themselves as having used streaming media. Of those respondents, 41 responded that they were “somewhat satisfied,” 79 that they were "satisfied," and 58 that they were "very satisfied." The 178 “somewhat satisfied,” "satisfied," or "very satisfied" respondents constitute 88.6% of the respondents. This measure exceeds the 75% response that would indicate a successful achievement of Outcome 7, Streaming Media for Learning and Growth.  Based on the unsuccessful results of the AY 2020/2021 survey, the target goal remained unchanged at 75%. For clarity and relevance, the survey language was updated from "Audiovisual Media" to "Streaming Media."

Learning Outcome 8: Online Articles for Learning and Growth

471 students identified themselves as having used online articles. Of those respondents, 56 responded that they were “somewhat satisfied,” 175 that they were "satisfied," and 221 that they were "very satisfied." The 452 “somewhat satisfied,” "satisfied," or "very satisfied" respondents constitute 96% of the respondents. This measure exceeds the 85% response that indicates a successful achievement of Outcome 8, Online Articles for Learning and Growth. Based on the successful results of the AY 2020/2021 survey, the target goal was increased from 75% to 85%.

Outcome 11: Interlibrary Loan Services for Learning and Growth

265 students identified themselves as having used interlibrary loan services. Of those respondents, 111 responded that they were “somewhat satisfied,” 33 that they were "satisfied," and 98 that they were "very satisfied." The 242 “somewhat satisfied,” "satisfied," or "very satisfied" respondents constitute 91.3% of the respondents. This measure exceeds the 75% response that would indicate a successful achievement of Outcome 11: Interlibrary Loan Services for Learning and Growth. Based on the unsuccessful results of the AY 2020/2021 survey, the target goal remained unchanged at 75%.

Program Action Plan: 

The Libraries exceeded the criteria for success for these four target goals.  However, since the survey response rate was less than 3% of the total student enrollment during the Winter 2023 semester, the results are an insufficient measure of the Libraries performance.  The University Libraries Assessment Committee will reevaluate and refine the instrument.  Consideration will be given to methods for assessment via random sampling and/or target student populations, e.g., by discipline.  Opportunities to solicit feedback at point-of-service will also be investigated.

Timeline for Action Plan Implementation: 

The University Libraries Assessment Committee will be working June through August 2023 to create a draft of the 2023-2024 assessment plan with new or revised instruments and a plan for securing more or targeted responses in order to obtain data sufficient to measure the Libraries performance. Our assessment plan will be entered into Planning ahead of schedule and appropriate preparations data gathering will be in place in time for the Winter 2024 semester. 

Method 2: Information and Media Literacy Module Evaluation

Assessment Method 2: Information and Media Literacy Module Evaluation

In fall 2022, the FYS 1010 sections of the Wayne Experience (WE) General Education requirement had an integrated video training that introduces students to information evaluation. This segment is designed to be completed in 50 minutes (the length of a class session for this course). It aligns with the content the University Libraries focused on previously--introducing these concepts and how the library enhances access, introduction to Summon, database searching and Research Guides.
A brief (five-question) evaluation follows this training. We will use three of those questions in evaluating two of our outcomes: Evaluation of Information Sources and Locating Information for Assignments.
This method will supply data for Outcomes 2 and 3.


We had 648 responses.  There were 642 complete responses for Learning Outcome 2 and 645 complete responses for Learning Outcome 3

Learning Outcome 2: Evaluation of Information Sources

60 responded to Question 2, "Before you took this FYS1010 course, how knowledgeable did you feel about evaluating information you found on the internet for reliability and credibility", with "Not knowledgeable at all" or "Slightly knowledgeable."

Of those 60 respondents, 55 responded to Question 4, "Now that you have completed the Information and Media Literacy module, how knowledgeable do you feel you are about evaluating information you find on the internet for reliability and credibility," with "Moderately knowledgeable," "Very knowledgeable," or "Extremely knowledgeable."

(0 not knowledgeable, 5 slightly, 20 moderately, 30 very, 5 extremely)

91.7% gave the desired response of moderately, very, or extremely knowledgeable. The measure exceeded the 75% response that indicates a successful achievement of Outcome 2, Evaluation of Information Sources.

Learning Outcome 3: Locating Information for Assignment

362 of the 645 responses named three or more resources or services.

56.1% gave the desired response. The measure falls below the 75% response that indicates a successful achievement of Outcome 3, Locating Information for Assignments.

These are the numbers of times each resource or service was named:

Look for information in new or different places (including library databases)


Look at an author’s credentials to better evaluate a source for credibility


Use a website like Media Bias FactCheck to investigate a source


Use a library research guide to help get started looking for information


Ask for help using the libraries using their 24X7 chat




Program Action Plan:

Fewer sections of FYS 1010 will be offered in the Fall 2023 semester, however we will still potentially reach 750 first-year freshman students.  We will repeat the assessment method with some slight changes to the instructional content because, even though we surpassed our goals for Learning Outcome 2, we want to see if it will have a positive impact on the scores for Learning Outcome 3.

Timeline for Action Plan Implementation: 

The revised instructional materials and assessment method will be used for all sections of FYS 1010 during the Fall 2023 semester.