National Equity AtlasThe Atlas draws its data from a unique equitable growth indicators database developed by PolicyLink and PERE. This database incorporates hundreds of data points from public and private data sources for the 100 largest cities, the 150 largest metropolitan regions, all 50 states, and the United States. It includes historical data for several economic indicators as well as demographic projections through 2040. The database includes several decades of data for cities and metropolitan regions that are geographically consistent over time, and data disaggregated by race/ethnicity for most indicators.
Data sources include the Integrated Public Use Microdata System (IPUMS), U.S. Census Bureau, Geolytics; Woods & Poole Economics, U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the National Center for Education Statistics. Also included is the Georgetown Center on Education and the Workforce’s state-level projections of the educational requirements of jobs in 2020.