Wayne State University Libraries have many books relevant to the study of Film Studies. Much of the Film Studies book collection is located at Purdy Kresge Library.
There are several Call Number ranges that cover the area of Film Studies. Some of the most popular ones are below.
Motion Pictures PN 1993 - PN 1999
Broad coverage of the area, as well as individual motion pictures and directors, criticism and analysis, how-to etc.
Cinematography TR 847-899
All things technical, including photography, editing including how-to books on using various software packages.
Visual Anthropology GN 347
A different look at film including production, artifacts and effect on audiences.
Library of Congress call numbers
P87-96: Communication and Mass Media
PN1990-1992: Broadcasting, Non-broadcast video media
PN1993-1999: Motion pictures
PN4699-5650: Journalism
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Film: Theory and Philosophy
Film: Criticism and Interpretation