Confronting Violence: Improving Women’s Lives

The exhibition, from the National Library of Medicine, tells the story of nurses who changed the medical profession and dramatically improved services to victims of domestic violence in the late 20th century.

Domestic Violence Programs in Health Care

Domestic Violence and Health Care Best Practices Video

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How can doctors, nurses and hospitals do more to stop gender violence in America? An inside look at the highly regarded domestic violence programs at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore, MD. Doctors and nurses in the ER, the mother-baby unit, pre-op and the sexual assault forensics unit share candid observations about domestic violence prevention and offer specific, practical suggestions.

The film profiles the coordinator of Mercy's family violence program and also includes an interview with Jacquelyn Campbell of Johns Hopkins, a leading expert on the health impact of domestic violence. Running Time: 22 mins, Year: 2010

Survivors' Stories

Survival from Domestic Violence: Stories of Hope and Healing with Angelea Panos video

Survival from Domestic Violence: Stories of Hope and Healing with Angelea Panos
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Breaking out of an abusive relationship is extraordinarily challenging, usually requiring multiple attempts. Learn the steps these women survivors took to create safety, build a support system, and find independence. Their firsthand accounts show how healing and recovery are possible, and expert commentary offers information about the signs of domestic violence as well as resources available to victims and survivors. This video is especially suitable for: - Community counseling service administrators, - Trainers, educators and supervisors of mental health and other professionals - Professors of human/women's sexuality - Therapists who wish to share it with their clients - Volunteer coordinators and trainers

Running Time: 15 mins, Year: 2012

For Health Care Workers

This two-part series provides healthcare workers with the education needed to identify potential sources of violence and effective strategies to prevent and reduce violence in the healthcare setting. 

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Violence in Health Care Part 1 Video

Series Overview: Healthcare facilities must often deal with the results of violence outside their walls, but sometimes the violence seeps into the healthcare environment itself, as with instances of domestic or gang violence that continue into a facility. In recent years violent crime in hospitals has increased 200% and the rate of non-fatal assaults on healthcare workers is much higher than the rate of non-fatal assaults for all private-sector industries combined. Clearly, healthcare workers must empower themselves to be prepared against possible violence.

Overview: This program demonstrates and describes the "four R's" of dealing with violence through recognizing the signals, resolving conflicts, responding quickly and reporting and documenting after an event.

Violence in Healthcare, Part One: Empowering You to Be Prepared!  Running Time:18 mins, Year: 2013

Violence in Healthcare, Part Two: What to Do When Violence Occurs.  Part 2, Running Time: 17 mins, Year: 2013