
Library and external resources for engineering and technology.

SAE Publications at Wayne State

The Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) is an international organization that is responsible for extensive publishing in mobility technology. Every year the SAE produces many technical papers, reports, meetings, and standards which are popular among our students and faculty.

The SAE Digital Library indexes all SAE publications. A search may be performed within the Digital Library using keywords or the SAE document number. Recent SAE document numbers have the format of xxxx-xx-xxxx, where the first four numbers are the year of publication. Older documents are numbered with a six digit number, of which the first two digits represent the last two digits of the year of publication.

After a publication of interest has been identified via the SAE Digital Library, the full-text can be accessed in one of the formats below.

Technical papers 1906-present: SAE Digital Library

Full-text of SAE technical papers published from 1906-present can be accessed through the SAE Digital Library.

Stapp Car Crash Journal and Stapp Technical Papers

The Stapp Car Crash Journal is the journal of the John Paul Stapp Association and is published annually by the Society of Automotive Engineers. All papers published in the Stapp Car Crash Journal are presented at the annual Stapp Car Crash Conference® and are indexed in SAE Digital Library. Access to full-text for these papers for WSU affiliates varies based on the year of publication as detailed below:

  • Stapp Journal papers 2003 (vol. 47) - present: online access through Proquest Research Library

  • Stapp Journal papers 1999 (vol. 43) - 2002 (vol. 46): no immediate online access, but available on CD-ROM by request from the Purdy-Kresge circulation desk (library use only; ask for call number TL6 .S785 2004). Alternatively, you may request papers from these volumes via the Document Delivery service as described below.

  • Stapp Journal papers 1966 (vol. 10) - 1998 (vol. 42): online access through SAE Digital Library

Requesting digital copies through the Document Delivery service:

  • It is first helpful to search for the paper in SAE Digital Library to get the full description including correct title, SAE paper number, and volume of the Stapp Journal. 
  • Then use the article request form to submit a request for a digital copy of the article to the library's Document Delivery service.

SAE ground vehicle standards

SAE Ground Vehicle Standards can be requested through the Document Delivery service using the online request form. Before submitting your online request for a Ground Vehicle Standard, use the SAE Digital Library to locate the desired standard and the information you need for your request (title, standard number, and year of publication).