Open Access refers to free, unrestricted online access to scholarly and/or peer-reviewed publications. Open Access is often split into two models:
There are many Open Access options that exist outside of these two models, such as Open Access journals that do not charge APCs.
The term "Closed" is used for the traditional, subscription-based publishing model, and the terms "Green" and "Gold" are often used to describe two different implementations of Open Access related to the models described above. Green OA is most often used to refer to the Self-Archiving model of Open Access, while Gold OA is used to refer to the Open Publishing model when an APC is required.
The chart below is intended to a quick way to compare these three models based on who is being asked to pay for an article: readers or writers. (or neither!)
"Green" OA
"Gold" OA
Aside from the obvious benefit of helping to make scholarship more accessible and affordable, Open Access provides
WSU Libraries have actively encouraged the spread of open access through several initiatives: