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Dr. Ananda Prasad: commentaries

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Comment #1 Prasad, A.S., Koza, D.W. Agammaglobulinemia.  Ann. Intern.   Med., 41:629‑639, 1954.
Comment #2 Prasad, A.S., Reiner, E., Watson, C.J.  Syndrome of hypogammaglobuline­mia, splenomegaly, and hypersplenism.  Blood, 12:926‑932, 1957.
Comment #3

Prasad, A.S., Flink, E.B.  Effect of carbon dioxide on concentration of calcium in an ultrafiltrate of serum obtained by centrifugation.  J. Appl. Physiol., 10:103‑107, 1957.

Prasad, A.S., Brown, E.B., Flink, E.B.  Plasma ultrafiltrable calcium in respiratory alkalosis and acidosis.  Am. J. Physiol., 190:459‑461, 1957.

Brown, E.B., Prasad, A.S. Plasma ultrafiltrable calcium concentration in posthypercapnic ventricular fibrillation.  Am. J. Physiol., 190:462‑466, 1957.

Comment #4 Weil, M.H., Prasad, A.S.  Polycythemia of obesity:  Further studies of its mechanism and a report of two additional cases.  Ann. Intern. Med., 46:60‑67, 1957.
Comment #5

Prasad, A.S., Halsted, J.A., Nadimi, M.  Syndrome of iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, hypogonadism, dwarfism, and geophagia.  Am. J. Med., 31:532‑546, 1961.

Prasad, A.S., Miale, A., Farid, Z., Sandstead, H.H., Schulert, A.  Zinc metabolism in patients with the syndrome of iron deficiency anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, dwarfism, and hypogonadism.  J. Lab. Clin. Med., 61:537‑549, 1963.

Sandstead, H.H., Prasad, A.S., Schulert, A.R., Farid, Z., Miale, A., Bassily, S., Darby, W.J.  Human zinc deficiency, endocrine manifesta­tions and response to treatment.  Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 20:422‑442, 1967.

Comment #6 Prasad, A.S., Oberleas, D., Halsted, J.A.  Determination of zinc in bio­logical fluids by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in normal and cirrhotic subjects.  J. Lab. Clin. Med., 66:508‑516, 1965.
Comment #7

Blomback, M., Blomback, B., Mammen, E.F., Prasad, A.S.  Fibrinogen Detroit ‑ A molecular defect in the N‑terminal disulfide knot of human fibrinogen?  Nature, 218:134‑137, 1968.

Mammen, E.F., Prasad, A.S., Barnhart, M.I., Au, C.C.  Congenital dysfib­rinogenemia:  Fibrinogen Detroit.  J. Clin. Invest., 48:235‑249, 1969.

Comment #8 Prasad, A.S., Tranchida, L., Konno, E.T., Berman, L., Albert, S., Sing, C.F., Brewer, G.J.  Hereditary sideroblastic anemia and glucose‑6‑ phosphate dehydro-genase deficiency in a negro family.  J. Clin. Invest., 47:1415‑1424, 1968.
Comment #9

Prasad, A.S., Oberleas, D., Wolf, P.L., Horwitz, J.P.  Studies on zinc deficiency:  Changes in trace elements and enzyme activities in tissues of zinc‑deficient rats.  J. Clin. Invest., 46:549‑557, 1967.

Prasad, A.S., Oberleas, D.  Thymidine kinase activity and incorporation of thymidine into DNA in zinc‑deficient tissue.  J. Lab. Clin. Med., 83:634‑639, 1974.

Prasad, A.S., Fernandez‑Madrid, F., Ryan, J.F.  Deoxythymidine kinase activity of human implanted sponge connective tissue in zinc deficiency.  Am. J. Physiol., 236(3):E272‑275, 1979.

Prasad, A.S., Beck, F.W.J., Endre, L. Handschu, W., KuKuruga, M., Kumar, G. Zinc deficiency affects cell cycle and deoxythymidine kinase (TK) gene expression in HUT-78 cells. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 128:51-60, 1996.

Comment #10

Prasad, A.S., Schoomaker, E.B., Ortega, J., Brewer, G.J., Oberleas, D., Oelshlegel, F.J.  Zinc deficiency in sickle cell disease.  Clin. Chem., 21:582‑587, 1975.

Prasad, A.S., Ortega, J., Brewer, G.J., Oberleas, D., Schoomaker, E.B.  Trace elements in sickle cell disease.  JAMA, 235:2396‑2398, 1976.

Abbasi, A.A., Prasad, A.S., Ortega, J., Congco, E., Oberleas, D.  Gona­dal function abnormalities in sickle cell anemia:  Studies in adult male patients.  Ann. Intern. Med., 85:601‑605, 1976.

Brewer, G.J., Brewer, L.F., Prasad, A.S.  Suppression of irreversibly sickled erythrocytes by zinc therapy in sickle cell anemia.  J. Lab. Clin. Med., 90:549‑554, 1977.

Prasad, A.S., Cossack, Z.T.  Zinc supplementation and growth in sickle cell disease.  Ann. Intern. Med., 100:367‑371, 1984.

Prasad, A.S., Beck, F.W.J., Kaplan, J., Chandrasekar, P.H., Ortega, J., Fitzgerald J.T., Swerdlow, P.  Effect of zinc supplementation on incidence of infections and hospital admissions in sickle cell disease (SCD).  Am. J. Hematol. 61(3):194-202, 1999.

Comment #11

Brewer, G.J., Hill, G.M., Prasad, A.S., Cossack, Z.T., Rabbani, P.  Oral zinc therapy for Wilson's disease.  Ann. Intern. Med., 99:314‑320, 1983.

Brewer, G.J., Hill, G.M., Dick, R.D., Nostrant, T.T., Sams, J.S., Wells, J.J., Prasad, A.S.  Treatment of Wilson's disease with zinc:  III.  Pre­vention of reaccumulation of hepatic copper.  J. Lab. Clin. Med. 109(5):526‑531, 1987.

Brewer, G.J., Hill, G.M., Prasad, A.S., Dick, R.D.  The treatment of Wilson's Disease with zinc:  IV.  Efficacy monitoring using urine and plasma copper. Proc. Soc. Exp. Biol. Med. 184:446‑455, 1987.

Comment #12

Prasad, A.S., Rabbani, P., Abbasi, A., Bowersox, E., Spivey‑Fox, M.R. Experimental zinc deficiency in humans.  Ann. Intern. Med., 89:483‑490, 1978.

Prasad, A.S., Meftah, S., Abdallah, J., Kaplan, J., Brewer G.J., Bach J.F., Dardenne, M.  Serum thymulin in human zinc deficiency.  J. Clin. Invest., 82:1202‑1210, 1988.

Meftah, S., Prasad, A.S., Lee, D-Y., Brewer, G.J.  Ecto 5' nucleotidase (5'NT) as a sensitive indicator of human zinc deficiency.  J. Lab. Clin. Med., 118(4):309-316, 1991.

Comment #13 Prasad, A.S., Beck, F.W.J., Endre, L. Handschu, W., KuKuruga, M., Kumar, G. Zinc deficiency affects cell cycle and deoxythymidine kinase (TK) gene expression in HUT-78 cells. J. Lab. Clin. Med., 128:51-60, 1996.
Comment #14 Prasad, A.S., Bao, B., Beck, F.W.J., Sarkar, F.H.  Zinc enhances the expression of IL-2 and IL-2 receptors in HUT-78 cells via NF-kB activation.  J. Lab. Clin. Med. 140(4):272-289, 2002.
Comment #15 Prasad, A.S., Beck, F.W.J., Bao, B., Fitzgerald, J.T., Snell, D.C., Steinberg, J.D., Cardozo, L.J.  Zinc supplementation decreases incidence of infections in the elderly: Effect of zinc on generation of cytokines and oxidative stress. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 85(3)837-844, 2007.
Comment #16 Prasad, A.S., Mukhtar, H., Beck, F.W.J., Adhami, V.M., Siddiqui, I.A., Din, M., Hafeez, B.B., Kucuk, O.  Dietary zinc and prostate cancer in the Tramp Mouse model.  J Med Food, 13(1): 70-76, 2010.
Comment #17

Prasad, A.S., Bao, B., Beck, F.W.J., Sarkar, F.H.  Correction of IL-2 gene expression by in vitro zinc addition to MNC from zinc deficient human subjects: A specific test for zinc deficiency in humans.  Translation Research 148(6): 325-333, 2006.

Comment #18

Prasad, A.S., Beck, F.W.J., Bao, B., Fitzgerald, J.T., Snell, D.C., Steinberg, J.D., Cardozo, L.J.  Zinc supplementation decreases incidence of infections in the elderly: Effect of zinc on generation of cytokines and oxidative stress. Am. J. Clin. Nutr., 85(3)837-844, 2007.

Bao, B., Prasad, A., Beck, F.W.J., Fitzgerald J.T., Snell, D., Bao, G.W., Singh, T., Cardozo, L.J.  Zinc decreases C-reactive protein, lipid peroxidation, and inflammatory cytokines in elderly subjects: A potential implication of zinc as an atheroprotective agent. Am J Clin Nutr, 91:1634-1641,2010.