Guide to Patron Personas

An examination of the development and applications of User or Patron Personas in the WSULS.

Education and Intellectual Abilities of the User

Student holding graded assignment

College Portraits provides insight into the Education and Intellectual Levels of the WSU Freshmen Class of 2011.

ACT results are included.  To interpret test results: ACT College Readiness Standards View standards for English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and Writing.

Additional information about our students, including the Top Five "feeder" High Schools, is available from the WSU Fact Book 2012.

ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2012 indicates it is a misconception that "all traditional-age students have a high level of technical expertise."

Learning Styles

Student LearningSelected recommendations from the ECAR Study of Undergraduate Students and Information Technology, 2012 provide some insight into how students use technology in the learning process:

  • Prioritize the development of mobile-friendly resources and activities that students say are important: access to course websites and syllabi, course and learning management systems, and academic progress reports (i.e., grades).
  • Bridge the gap between the technologies that have seen the greatest growth (e-portfolios, e-books/e-textbooks, and web-based citation/bibliographic tools) and students’ attitudes about their importance. Focus training/skill-building opportunities for students, professional development opportunities for faculty, and support service opportunities on these emerging technologies.

The link below contains several graphs extracted from the ECAR study which illustrate student behaviors and preferences for technology in learning: