Conversations for Caregivers | April 16, 2014 | 9:30 AM-3:00 PM. Charles H. Wright Museum | 315 E. Warren Ave., Detroit, MI.
The Literature of Prescription: Charlotte Perkins Gilman and The Yellow Wall-Paper Traveling Exhibit
Supporting Events: Click the link above for event details.
Staying Well During Noel: Mental Health Networks Serving the Community | December 7, 2013, 2 pm- 4 pm, Detroit Public Library. Hear experts and advocates from the various organizations on how to get assistance for yourself or your loved ones during a mental health crisis and beyond: Common Ground Sanctuary, Neighbor Service Organization, Detroit Children’s Center, and the National Alliance on Mental Illness.
Weight of the Nation: Confronting America's Obesity Epidemic Program Series
Understanding and Reading Food Labels | Saturday, March 23, 2013, 12 noon -2 pm, Detroit Children’s Center.
Featuring: Akua Woolbright, Ph.D., Community Health Educator, Whole Foods Inc.
Motivational Interviewing Strategies to Encourage Healthy Behavioral Changes | Saturday, April 13, 2013, 2 pm- 4 pm, WSU, Margherio Family Conference Center.
Featuring: Sylvie Naar-King, Ph.D., Professor, Carman and Ann Adams Department of Pediatrics, Director, Interdisciplinary Program in Obesity Research & Education, WSU School of Medicine.
Weight of the Nation news article:
Best Practices for Sustaining Weight Loss | Wednesday, April 17, 2013, 12 noon -1:30 pm, WSU Bernath Auditorium. Held in conjunction with Wayne State University's employee health and wellness benefits program Wellness Warriors.
Featuring: Kai Lin Catherine Jen, Ph.D., Professor, and Chair, Nutrition & Food Sciences, WSU.
Urban Gardening, Encouraging Healthy Eating Habits | Saturday, April 20, 2013, 1 pm- 3 pm, Charles H. Wright Museum.
Featuring Ms. Latricia “Mama Nutrish” Wright, Nutrition & Fitness Specialist
- Chef to prepare healthy, vegetarian & vegan snacks and natural beverages
Gift of Life Organ Donation Discussion and Drive with Transplant Surgeon, Dr. Jason Denny, MD via LiveStream
February 24, 2013 | Charles H. Wright Museum of African American History
Monday, Apr 23, 2012: World Book Night @ S.A. Y. Clinic
World Book Night is an international event that promotes the love of reading and shares book with new audiences. WSU medical students distributed 20 special paperback copies of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot to patients and staff at the S.A.Y. Clinic in Highland Park. For more information about World Book Night see the website.
World Book Night Handouts:
Who is Henrietta Lacks and Why are HeLa Cells ImportantBinding Wounds Pushing Boundaries
National Library of Medicine Exhibit on Display March 19 - April 28, 2012.
March 21 -Binding Wounds Opening Reception
April 14 - Binding Wounds Community Educational Program
Visit the Binding Wounds website for more information
Thursday, Jan 12, 2012 to Thursday, Feb 23, 2012: GIFT OF LIFE Campus Challenge 2012
MedlinePlus for Professionals" pamphlet (PDF file)
The event was held in the Margherio center and covered clinical trials and medical research. The event was attended by 60 attendees. Speakers included Jena Baker-Calloway (WSU/Karmanos), Louis Penner (WSU/Karmanos) and Bonita Leavell (WSU/VA Medical Center) and was moderated by Sandra Martin (WSU Shiffman). We were assisted by WSU School of Library Information Science (SLIS) and WSU School of Medicine (SOM) students. There were door prizes which were won by two community attendees: “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks” – 1 hard cover book, and 1 audio book on CDs. Information tables included MedlinePlus,, and Karmanos. Handouts included FDA flyers, bags, pens & note pads (MedlinePlus, MeLCat, WSU C&IT, WSULS). There was some lively discussion with lots of questions from the community. (2 hr. event)
Linda Draper coordinated with three School of Medicine (SOM) students from the Internal Medicine Interest Group, under faculty advisor Dr. Diane Levine. Matt McClure (M2), Muhith Musabbir (M1) and Caitlin Biedron (M1) developed the poster from topics in the Rebecca Skloot book. The poster was displayed at various venues over the month featured in the “One Book One Community” series including the Detroit Public Library Main Lobby. It is also posted online on the Shiffman Medical Library – Outreach LibGuide, developed by Dan Bryan and Linda Draper. See link below.
World AIDS Day Detroit (WADD) was held at The Fillmore Detroit and several other locations in the Detroit area. On the 30th anniversary of the first cases of AIDS reported in 1981, this event featured presentations by Jeanne White-Ginder, the mother of Ryan White at a Mayors Breakfast and a World AIDS Day Candlelight Vigil. There was a movie screening of the documentary Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale followed by a panel discussion by the filmmaker and some of the cast: Marilyn Ness, Dana Kuhn and Eric Weinburg. Other activities included a public viewing of The Names Project AIDS Quilt Panels and the NOH8 Campaign Open Photo Shoot.
Shiffman Outreach and other community organizations hosted exhibit tables in the theater as well. Events ran from 8 AM through 10 PM, with photographers and filmmakers recording many of the activities. Check out the WADD web page and the WADD Facebook page, as well as the Twitter feed for participants comments. The planning committee consisted of representatives from the Wayne State University School of Medicine, Shiffman Medical Library, Hemophilia Foundation of Michigan, Horizons Project, Affirmations and other agencies. Many more organizations and supporters donated resources and volunteered to create this memorable observation that shared these important messages with the community: Remember Ryan White and Getting to Zero: ZERO new HIV cases, ZERO AIDS-related deaths and ZERO HIV/AIDS discrimination.
World AIDS Day Detroit Brings Activist Jeanne White-Ginder To The Fillmore - Huffington Post Nov. 30, 2011
WSU student launches World AIDS Day Detroit - South End Nov. 30, 2011
World AIDS Day Detroit picks up steam with Fox 2 report - Prognosis E-News Nov. 17, 2011
School of Medicine student launches World AIDS Day Detroit - Prognosis E-News Nov. 7, 2011
TOPICS: Home Oxygen safety, Smoke & Carbon Monoxide detection, Home safety & preventing falls, Frost bite & other skin protection tips, Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis vaccine information, Domestic Violence and Victims’ Assistance, & more
Flyer distributed at event - Safety @ MedlinePlus Videos
Photos taken by Tony Gallucci.
National Latino AIDS Awareness Day
Free and confidential HIV testing and STD screenings, including syphilis testing. Refreshments, entertainment and a raffle were offered. Latino Family Services - 3815 W. Fort Street, Detroit. 11am - 4pm
A Community Conversation on Health: What you want to know about medical research and clinical trials was addressed by experts and the community. The 2-hour informative event held Sat. October 8 from 1-3pm at Detroit Public Library in the Explorers Room was the second forum on this topic, with 48 attendees. A fall harvest theme greeted the guests with light refreshments of ciders, donuts and fresh apples.
The panel of research professionals included Jena Baker-Calloway (WSU/Karmanos), Kendra Schwartz (WSU/Karmanos), Bonita Leavell (Dingell VA Medical Center), Louis Penner (WSU/Karmanos) and moderated by Corey Zolondek (WSU). We were assisted by student volunteers from the WSU School Library Information Science (SLIS) and WSU School of Medicine (SOM). Dan Bryan videotaped the event. Door prizes included a WSU Library System insulated lunch bag, a copy of "The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks" and a DVD of "Bad Blood: A Cautionary Tale". This video will be featured at the next Community Conversation on Heath to be held Dec. 1 on World AIDS Day Detroit. Information bags were supplied to all attendees by Karmanos Cancer Institute and Susan B. Komen for the Cure, in recognition of National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This also included flyers and bookmarks for Detroit Public Library, MedlinePlus and Gift packets with WSU Shiffman Outreach items were also distributed. Attendees completed evaluations and contact sheets, to be advised of upcoming events.
This presentation sponsored by WSU President’s Commission on Status of Women (COSW) held at WSU Student Center. All speakers from Karmanos – Jennifer Barrick, a genetic counselor, Dr. Elaina Gartner and Dr. Elisabeth Heath, oncologists - focused on Breast Cancer and Prostate Cancer. The event included an information table and poster about Henrietta Lacks and HeLa Cells. A door prize - paperback copy of The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks was given away. The event was attended by 34 persons, including 9 WSU School of Medicine (SOM) students, several from the Co-Curricular program. Light refreshments were also offered. Event planning was coordinated through the Shiffman Library Outreach (Linda Draper, Dan Bryan) with Wendy Wu, and others from the COSW health committee. Gift bags were donated by Karmanos. (1 hr. event)
The venue was the Northwest campus of Wayne County Community College District (WCCCD) on West Outer Drive in Detroit. Several other area exhibitors included Karmanos Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, Detroit Public Library, University of Detroit Mercy Dental School and others. Three WSU School of Medicine (SOM) students helped Linda Draper to staff the Shiffman Outreach table and distributed consumer health flyers. Loretta Hunter, WCCCD librarian, and former Shiffman student employee and WSU Library Information Science Program graduate, brought a laptop for the students to demo online MedlinePlus. 65 persons stopped by the outreach table for information on MedlinePlus and other resources from the National Libraries of Medicine (NLM). (4 hr. event).
This was a combination “Thank You” lunch, assessment, and brainstorming session for the Shiffman Outreach programs. The School of Medicine and School of Library Science students who worked on the various outreach events coordinated by Shiffman were invited to share their final thoughts about the One Book programs, other outreach activities, and what future events they would like to see initiated or offered again.
Free Health-O-Rama at St. John Armenian Church in Southfield MI. Saturday, Sept. 17 from 11 AM - 3PM. Sponsored by Wayne County Pharmacists Association and Wayne State University Pharmacy Students. WSU School of Medicine students also volunteered donating 16 hours as part of the WSU SOM Co-Curricular Credit Program
This free public event for 600 attendees, promoted exercise, nutrition, health screenings and preventative exams to help African Americans resist the most common diseases that plague them as they age. Speakers discussed current research on aging and provided inspirational messages on this year's theme, 360 Degrees of Living Well. Sponsored by Wayne State University Michigan Center for Urban African American Aging Research (MCUAAAR) and Institute of Gerontology (IOG).
We promoted web resources MedlinePlus, and Get Connected! African American Health! Local information included reminder cards for 2-1-1 and Shiffman Medical Library Outreach. See flyer below for upcoming events.
Projects have been funded in whole or in part with Federal funds from the National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services, under Grant Number 1UG4LM012346-01 with The University of Iowa, and Wayne State University Libraries for Vera P. Shiffman Medical Library Outreach Services.