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Shiffman - School of Medicine Years I & II Guide

AI Disclaimer

Do not use AI to suggest references to read/cite

Please be aware that ChatGPT and other AI services can produce incorrect, made-up references that cannot be sourced. While some individual parts of an AI-generated reference may be accurate (such as the journal name, article or book title or an author) the whole reference does not usually exist so cannot be found by our library team.

If you have a reference that you cannot find and need assistance, please contact ASKMED and include the source (databases, search engines, etc.) in your inquiry. 

Common Questions about Citing References

Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you are required to cite your source and provide a complete reference for your source in a bibliography, list of references or works cited.


In principle, only references actually consulted should be cited.

Q: I'm reading a review article and want to cite an original research that was cited by this review article. How should I cite?

A: This is referred as Secondary Citations in the AMA Manual of Style. The author of the original research should be mentioned in the text when you cite, while both original research paper and the review paper should be included in the reference list as one item. It may look like the following in the reference list:

citation of original research paper. Cited by: complete citation of review article. 

Citation Styles

Citation styles are specific rules that govern how authors cite information from previous research. There are thousands of citation styles available. The most widely used citation style for medical journals is AMA (American Medical Association) Style. Another popular citation style for health sciences is APA (American Psychological Association) Style.

Citation management software generally has a feature that allows authors to insert citations into their documents using a citation style of their choice while writing. Another feature the citation management software offer is to switch between different citation styles as needed, or modify a citation style according to specific requirement from the publisher.


AMA Manual of Style are mostly used by researchers publishing in the medical and health sciences fields.


Cloete L. Diabetes mellitus: an overview of the types, symptoms, complications and management. Nurs Stand. 2022;37(1):61-66. doi:10.7748/ns.2021.e11709

For more information, please see:

Purdue OWL / AMA Style Guide

University of Washington Health Sciences Library AMA Style Guide

APA style is widely used in scientific publishing.


Cloete L. (2022). Diabetes mellitus: an overview of the types, symptoms, complications and management. Nursing standard (Royal College of Nursing (Great Britain) : 1987), 37(1), 61–66.

Please refer to the comprehensive guide below for more information.

How To Cite References Using APA Style

Citation Management Tools

Citation management tools store and organize information sources (aka references, citations, etc.). In general, a citation management tool can:

  • import references directly from library databases, search engines, or websites
  • attach PDFs, images, and other documents to references
  • generate bibliographies in a variety of citation formats, i.e. AMA, APA and Chicago style
  • insert citations and create reference list while you write using Word processors

 Below is a table comparing features of some most popular citation management tools. You may choose any of them that best meets your needs.

Tools EndNote Desktop & EndNote Web EndNote Basic (Online only) Mendeley RefWorks Zotero
URL WSU students and employees can purchase discounted copy for personal use through WSU C&IT

Create an account through MyEndNoteWeb link

Download from Mendeley website

WSU Affiliates can create an account through RefWorks Proquest database link

Download from Zotero website
Cost WSU students and employees can purchase discounted copy for personal use through WSU C&IT Free to anyone Free to anyone Free to WSU affiliates Free to anyone & open source
Access Desktop and Web Web only Desktop and Web Web only Desktop and Web
Mobile App EndNote App -- Mendeley App RefWorks App Zotero for Mobile
Offline Use Yes No Yes No Yes
PDF Markup Yes No Yes No Yes
Export from Databases Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Export from Web N/A No Use browser plugin Save to Refworks Use browser plugin
Citation Styles 6000+ output styles Top 21 most commonly used styles popular output styles + CSL citation styles repository 6000+ output styles 8000+ output styles
Word Processor Compatibility

MS Word

Google Docs


MS Word MS Word

MS Word

Google Docs

MS Word

Google Docs

Collaboration Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Cloud Storage Unlimited Free up to 2GB  Free up to 2GB & purchase additional storage  Free to WSU affiliates Free up to 300MB & purchase additional storage 

Ability to manage very large library

Ease of editing output styles

Share a group with other EndNote online users

Collaboration by sharing groups publicly or privately

Ease of use

Work from anywhere with internet connection

Free to anyone

Capture webpages with ease


WSULS Libguide - How to Use EndNote

Search EndNote Knowledge Base

EndNote YouTube Channel

EndNote 21 Quick Reference Guides

Clarivate EndNote Training

WSULS Libguide - How to Use EndNote Online

Search EndNote Knowledge Base

EndNote YouTube Channel

EndNote 21 Quick Reference Guides

Clarivate EndNote Training

Mendeley Help Guides

Mendeley YouTube Channel

WSULS Libguide - How to Use RefWorks

RefWorks User Guide

RefWorks YouTube Channel

WSULS Libguide - How to Use Zotero

Zotero Documentation (Zotero Website)

Zotero: A How To Guide (From Harvard Library)

Tech Support EndNote Support EndNote Support Mendeley Support Portal RefWorks Support Zotero community forum

Updated on July 23, 2024.

EndNote Desktop software is available to Wayne State faculty, staff and students for a discounted fee. Easily store, organize, cite and share collected research information, import PDFs, cite while you write, change from APA, Vancouver, MLA and more with a few clicks, edit and share documents simultaneously with co-authors in Word.

  • WSU students and employees can purchase a discounted copy for personal use through WSU C&IT

EndNote desktop users can activate an EndNote Web account from within EndNote 21 desktop, and then log in at It allows users to sync their library or share with collaborators.

For more information, please refer to:

If you need technical support, please contact EndNote Support.

EndNote Basic is a Web-based reference organizer and collaboration tool that's free to anyone.

EndNote Basic has limited features but it still allows you to:

  • Collect, organize and edit references
  • Integrate in-text citations and create a formatted bibliography using their Cite While You Write add-on or plug-in in a variety of word processing software
  • Create groups and collaborate with other EndNote Online users

For a comparison of features among different EndNote versions, please see the Comparison Chart from EndNote website.

Video Link: EndNote Online Essentials

Video Link: A class recording: what are you missing by using only EndNote basic?

Mendeley is a free citation management tool that can help you organize your references, share with collaborators or public, and cite references while writing. You can download the desktop software and set up an online account to work with your library from anywhere.

For more information, please refer to:

For technical support, please contact Mendeley Support Portal.

RefWorks is a web-based citation management tool that helps you organize and manage references, format and insert citations while you work with Word and Google Docs, and share reference with collaborators. It is free to Wayne State University students, faculty, staff and other affiliated users. Your RefWorks account can be transferred to another institution that also subscribes to RefWorks.

To get started using RefWorks, refer to Create Your RefWorks Account page.

For more information, please refer to:

For technical support, please contact RefWorks Support.

Zotero is a free and open-source citation management tool that can help you store and organize your research sources, format and insert citations while you work with Word and Google Docs, and share reference with collaborators.

Zotero is available as desktop application, on mobile devices, or through web browsers. 

For more information, please refer to:

Although Zotero doesn't have an official technical support team, its community forum offers answers to many common questions a user may want to ask.



Online citation generators can  help you create citations and bibliographies if you only need a few citations. These generators usually only offer several popular citation styles such as APA, MLA, or Chicago Style, and may not be as accurate and reliable as citation management software such as EndNote or Zotero.

ZoteroBib creates a bibliography in the style you need, including APA, MLA and Chicago/Turbaian. Just enter the from URL, title, DOI and other information, select your style and Zotero will compile a formatted citation list.