
Liaison Librarian

Profile Photo
Karen Liston
(313) 577-5596
You can make an appointment (above), or when I'm available, you can drop in on my Zoom Meeting Room by pasting this URL into your browser: If I'm available, I'll admit you within a few minutes. Try it out - I'd love to see you!

Streaming Video Sites

The websites below can be used to search for films you might wish to use in courses.  Videos can be requested through the library's Streaming Media (Video and Audio) Request Form.  If possible, include the URL for the film you'd like in the Call Number field. When Wayne State University Libraries has acquired licensed access, the video will be accessible through the library's catalog.  The Permalink at the bottom of the cataloging record can be given directly to students, and/or embedded in Canvas or other course sites.

But I saw it online . . .

We've all been there.  We read or hear about something we'd like to use in our course, and can't find a usable link to it.  This frequently happens with subscriptions, Cable and TV programs, podcasts, or miscellaneous online content. What's a Prof. who wants to include current, relevant material to do?

Titles and Dates can differ
First of all, sometimes the online version of resources such as the New York Times or the Chronicle of Higher Education differs from what the Libraries can subscribe to (which correlates more closely with formally published 'issues').  Sometimes the same text of an article will appear with a slightly different title.  The best way around this is to search for article author(s), which of course, you don't always know, depending on how you learned about the item. Your Librarian can sometimes come up with other strategies.  

Permalinks & the Proxy Server
Linking to content to which the Library has subscriptions or licenses can be challenging.  Your Librarian is happy to help you find a usable link; both DIY directions, and a form to have the Library obtain working links for you can be found here.   

Google Scholar
The two most reliable ways for you to find an article when you don't have a working Permalink is to go through the Library's homepage.  Google Scholar (tab in the middle of the page) has most full text content, but you MUST go through the Library's homepage, click on "Link Wayne State to Your Account," and then save that setting EVERY TIME you access Google Scholar.  It's a bit tedious, but it gets you into most of the content to which the library has subscribed, as well as open links (i.e. no subscriptions needed - you can just use the URL in webpage address).   If Google Scholar has an entry, but no full-text links over to the right, click on >> right below the entry (on the right) and Check Library Holdings.  If no holdings are found, you'll be able to Request this Item through interlibrary loan/document delivery (which usually takes only a day or two; you'll be contacted by e-mail).  

The second method is to search Summon (the farthest tab to the right on the library's homepage). Search the title of the article with "quotes around it" if you can, or a couple keywords along with the author if you know it.  Note that even if WSU Library doesn't have access to the article itself, articles that cite that work may appear, so looking in their bibliographies sometimes leads you to a correct citation or doi, etc. 

If you know a book or journal title, check the Library's Catalog (second tab).  This is the most definitive way to determine whether the library has the year/volume you need, and whether it's in a print, media (DVD, etc.) or an e-format.  You can link to an entire book by using the URL listed at the bottom of the catalog record; or some e-books now have links to specific chapters (which you find by navigating to that chapter and then looking for a permalink).

Getting Links into Canvas
Please realize that no one but the students registered for your class (or who the Prof has specifically authorized to access the Canvas content) can see within a Canvas course site (including Librarians).  You can give your librarian access to your Canvas site by assigning them a Librarian role, even if only temporarily.  This allows them to look at the content on your Canvas site, try out links, and even replace any that they find aren't behaving for your students.

You'll want to check your links
Remember that something you subscribe to is licensed only to you, and without your account and password, your students may not be able to see it.  If you can find that item through the Library's website (, a permalink or proxied URL can usually be found to embed in your Canvas site or e-mail.  It's great to have a student, colleague, or librarian test the links on their own equipment to be sure the links work for typical users.   

Professional Record Template

Your Professional Toolbox

Links and descriptions of tools you can set up to track your professional record.

Alerting Services

You can set up alerting services in many library databases to automatically:

  • Send current Table of Contents alerts for selected journals
  • Run specificed searches and send new results
  • Run citation alerts, to be notified when specified articles are cited.

Congratulations! You are an Editor or Referee

Approach & Praxis

Scholarly Publishing

Journal Ranking, Publisher Rankings, Acceptance Rates and Impact Factors

Journal rankings and acceptance rates are sometimes requested during the annual and tenure review process. Not every journal will carry a ranking, and rankings are assigned according to criteria developed by the association or company producing the ranking. Acceptance rates can be difficult to find, and in many cases, you may need to contact the journal editor directly to get this information.

Following are some resources that may help you in the discovery of rankings and acceptance rates for journals in Education and the Social Sciences.

Article Level Metrics

New Books