Includes links to online journals and magazines related to the use of curriculum and instruction. This list is not exhaustive, and your research should include searching the Education databases (such as ERIC) on your topic.
Browse books in the WSU libraries on general topics of curriculum planning and instructional design. You can also search for your own topic using the catalog.
For research in the field of Education, use this resource to search the ERIC, Health and Psychosocial Instruments, Teacher Reference Center, and Education Source databases simultaneously.
The Handbook of African American Education reflects historical and current perspectives on African Americans in secondary and post-secondary education.
There are many handbooks on curriculum & instruction topics that can help clarify issues, introduce you to past research, and help you locate trends in the field.
Contains a deep archive of continually updated best practices, from classroom tips to recommendations for districtwide change. Browse resoures by grade level, or search by strategy or video collection.
The most prominent international professional organization, with the primary goal of advancing educational research and its practical application. Also see the AERA Division B: Curriculum Studies
Formerly knows as the Association for Supervision and curriculum Development, this organization is dedicated to advancing best practices and policies for the success of each learner.
This system collects and makes available evaluation plans, instruments, and reports for NSF projects, and includes resources for NSF projects in Curriculum Development and Teacher Education.