
Scholarly and Practitioner (Trade)

Group Activity

Each group contains a link to a peer reviewed scholarly journal and a peer reviewed practitioner publication.

For the group you have been assigned, open each of the links and review the publications. Answer the following questions:

1. Which of the publications do you believe is scholarly, and which is practitioner?

2. What are two substantive similarities between the publications (if you need to refresh, watch the Scholarly vs. Popular video for some ideas).

3. What are two substantive differences between the publications (if you need to refresh, watch the Scholarly vs. Popular video for some ideas).

4. Is there a professional organization affiliated with your publication? If yes, who are they?


Article Databases



Articles, Books & More

Finding Children's and YA LIterature

There are many resources in the Wayne State libraries you can use to search for children's literature by genre, age, lexile score, series, "others like this", etc. 

Children's Magazines

Select Handbooks and Encylopedias

Reading in the Content Area

To search for articles on Reading in the Content Area, go to the ERIC database and search for "content area reading" AND the content area, such as mathematics, science, language arts or social studies. Select the Peer reviewed and ERIC journals only checkboxes to limit your articles to peer-reviewed journals.


Scholarly vs. Practitioner

The Reading Teacher  is a peer-reviewed practitioner journal, published by the International Literacy Association.

It focuses on publishing articles on evidence-based teaching ideas, articles that translate research into simple strategies for effective practice Information about critical teaching issues—written by educators, for educators, focusing on children through age 12.

Reading Research Quarterly is a peer reviewed scholarly journal, published by the International Literacy Association.

It focused on publishing reports of original, rigorously conducted research employing diverse epistemologies, methodologies, methods, and disciplinary perspectives; essays concerning new theoretical or methodological perspectives; comprehensive syntheses of research towards developing new understandings; scholarly analysis of trends and issues in the field; and reports of important studies diverse viewpoints on literacy practices, teaching and learning.

Activity Articles for RLL6121

Finding K-12 Textbooks in the Wayne State Libraries

MEL (Michigan Electronic Library)

Literacy Programs

Graphic Novels

School Libraries

Reading & Literature Lesson Plans & Learning Activities

Genre & Comprehension Resources

Lesson Plans

Internet Resources